Saturday, 31 August 2013

Go ahead, go ahead and light up the town

We're back.

After a well earned hiatus from the blogosphere betterthancola is back!  And, for the next twelve months we're going bigger, better, wetter and more opinionated than ever before.
Firstly this time I will apologise, as the hiatus was unplanned, but, very necessary.  It isnt easy to spout so much tosh so often and occasionally I need some time to gather my thoughts and my strongbow.

Now then, first important bit of info for you little monsters...

At cola HQ we pride ourselves on tackling all the subjects, and, we want you to do the same...  Have you ever thought of writing but didnt know how to go about it... Im looking for well (or poorly) written pieces on the things that you are most passionate about.  Anything from sports to movies, tv to tvs, politics to cakes and everywhere in between!!
you write it, il publish it, if you like your experience il link your piece to any future blog you want to do for yourselves so the betterthan readers can find you again.  If you dont like it, il anon you.  Get me on twitter, facebizzle, email or whatever just start your scribbling.

Important information number dos.  After two years and more free cake and champagne than i care to remember to work off I have come to the decision to knock picture taking on the head, in particular... no more weddings.
Ive have a lot of fun and for a long time it was a dream career, but, ultimately as much satisfaction as I got from it, it didnt make up for the fact that I was constantly a let down and no show for important moments in the lives of my friends and family due to work commitments.  That coupled with my ever rising tax bill and insurance premium after two equipment thefts in twelve months and im back in the rat race.  I'll probably still go out and have the occasional click here and there.
So in a final flourish this is just to say thank you to everyone has allowed me into the most special times of their lives and trusted me with such important matter.
So heres some of the finest moments ive come across in the last couple of seasons, CAUTION a couple of them are right heartwrenchers...

oooo, press play on the tunage first and then flick through them, music make things better...

Do you know what there was a load more I wanted to put up but i quickly realise they're on the other computer...
Theres a few more pretties from tinternet:

Next week for some actual stuff, maybe even a guest blogger.... we'll see.

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