Wednesday 4 July 2012

I can see it in your walk, tell it when you talk

Finally its come full circle and now its cool to be a geek.
It dawned on me just that i am comfortable to describe myself in this way as I found my self this morning, after jumping off a bicycle after 112 miles of crotch pounding saddle soreness running to a television to be greeted with news of CERN's press conference as good as confirming the discovery of the Higgs-Bosun, a mere 30 minutes later i'm on the telephone excitedly describing graphs and findings as 'sexy' to a fellow nerd.
Now is a time I frantically resent my parents for dissuading me from sitting science a-levels and pursuing further education in the sciences as a future of discovery beckons for those at ground zero.
A short decade ago, people who spent hours playing video games, reading fantasy, science fiction and comic books were thought to be weird and had chairs thrown at them wherever they went. These people were told that they should grow up.  But at the moment, it is these 'nerds' that are pushing the globe forward.
And im not just talking about large hydron collider operators (there's probably only a few of them).  But look at people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, mark Zukerberg.  All these people had dedicated their lives to pursuits that were considered less than cool, but look at them now, not only are they sitting on personal fortunes that could be used to bring dinosaurs back to earth, but they are responsible for the employment of hundreds of thousands of people globally.  Not to mention the further hundreds of thousands employed in smaller companies that may supply parts of even stationary to the bigger giant nerds.
Even the constant teasing of nerds cant keep them down because ..

What you people dont know is that you cannot subdue a nerd.  They will return to their fortress of solitude, their secret lair and hatch a plan.  A plan so cunning you would think it devised by some sort of military fox bred with a wily weasely stoat.  And that is exactly what the nerds did.  They took over all the major industry, the most recent and most devious being the Hollywood machine.
Last year alone they subdued us with offerings of The green Hornet, Priest, Thor, X-men, Green Lantern, Transformers 3, Captain America, Cowboys and Aliens and Conan, and this year they further stuff us with geeky magic courtesy of Ghost rider, the Avengers, The dark Knight rises, Spider man, Men in Black 3, Gi Joe AND The Hobbit
Ten years ago, none of these films would even have been made, let alone been received with such vigor and anticipation.  So why are they now?  Because we the sciency nerdy children of knowledge are slowly turning each and every one of you into one of us.  Drip feeding you our nerdy offerings in small quantities and allowing you to deem them acceptable until BOOM, you're a nerd too.
Think about it, nerds are now in every aspect of your life from you having followed this link via a social network, are you reading this on your smartphone or have you eagerly anticipated the release of one of the above movies..... you're a nerd!
From your lounge to your kitchen your pocket to transport, the geeky have begun to turn thee.
Perhaps it was the idea of one supreme geek to get vengeance on all mankind for the torments he suffered during his teenage years, after all nobody can pick on geeks if we're all geeks can we.
Joe Public has been so engrossed in the literal spew-tum of nerd media that has been thrown out to them (not just the films, but the TV, the magazines and books the fashion and the convenient day to day gadgets) that they have neglected to realize that without the geeky social hand grenades none of it would be possible and their lives would be ruined.  Its indeed the shy nerdy kids from school that are now responsible for your entertainment, they make your television and movies, they create your angry birds and can fix your oh so cool iphone when you drop it in the toilet, they program your apps and run your instagram, without which you wouldn't be so 'talented' in the camera department, they keep you in touch with your friends by keeping facebook running and they allow you to stalk your oh so trendy 'IM A CELBRITY FACTOR BROTHER JERSEY GEORDIE IS ESSEX IDOLS' celebrity via twitter. 

This post didn't really have a point or a massage to start with, but now i think its gonna be this... the next time you think your cool for having the latest accessory or app or toy, or laptop, or phone or anything just remember before it was yours it belonged to someone really cool, who still knows how to use it a thousand times better than you do.
And keep an eye on your day to day, you will very soon realize how much the nerds have invaded your lives.
The Geeks shall inherit the earth.

I didn't have to go far to find my favorite geek post worthy photos and music... my most difficult decision was which ones to include :/


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