Sunday 9 September 2012

Have your fun, live everyday in the bright sunshine

Oh well hello there,
Fancy seeing you here you bunch of sexy bitches.
Im refreshed and rearing to go after my sabbatical from writing tosh about tosh, and am keen to once again infiltrate your mind pouches with my ego boosting pretense.
Oh what a lovely summer it has been, from the moment her majesty saw fit to give us an extra bank hollybobs for her crowns birthday to this very Sunday when we waived goodbyebyes to the olympicals and Messer Steven Wonder closed the Bestival.  I feel it will be many years before we get to experience super summer funtimes like this ever again, so it is time to make the most of the winter.
Anyways on with the bloggings;
Say, do like words?  I assume you enjoy words because youre reading them right now, well do you enjoy extended numbers of words, arranged in a certain order, forming a linear story line of fact or fiction, encased within a cover, generally with a picture on which you should not judge the contents...  I like books too!
Here's some books you should read, i read them.

The Heart Broke In; James Meek
It a good story about a girl called Bec and her former rockstar brother its about loyalty and betrayal... its an old fashioned story set in modern times and involves gene therapy, internet blackmail, love, death and money.  The cover inst much to go by, but you know what they say.

The True Adventures of The Rolling Stones; Stanley Booth
If youre like me you like you lead singer flamboyant and temperamental, your drummers violently crazy and your guitarists drunk as a thirsty horse in a cider factory, then you will enjoy this chronicle of the Rolling Stones notorious 1969 American tour very much.  The tour that culminated in the now infamous free concert in Altamont, North Carolina, a rock and roll spectacular where the excesses of rock were celebrated and marred by a number of deaths and untold drink and drug related violence.  Anyways, Booth was with the stones for the whole tour and he tells the story of it and weaves it into the story of the death of Brian Jones really well, makes you want to pick up the Jim Beam and smash an acoustic around Ed Sheerans face.

Bed of Nails;  Antonin Varenne
John Nicholls arrives in Paris to identify the body of an old friend that apparently bled to death during his own depraved S&M stage show :/
I know its already fantastic right, anyway the seedy underbelly of night time Paris is revealed as the extent of conspirative police brutality in the capital is explored while our protagonist tries to link an epidemic of recent suicides to a maverick police lietenent... really really good readings

Imagine, John Lehrer;

Being surrounded by the colour blue doubles the output of the imagination. It makes us think of the open sky, of the ocean.
People solve as much as 50 per cent more problems after a nap.
Travel frees us from the physical constraints of the imagination
This is a written acclimation of all the actual knowledge we have about the imagination, its not hear say its all backed up with sciencey stuff.  It gives examples from people like Steve jobs and Keith Richards and Bob Dylan and it gives you the proverbial hammer with which to smash down the walls of creativity.

Sombrero Fallout, Richard Brautigan;
Chances are if you have been outside within the last three months you've seen someone lapping up the Fifty Shades drivel, I personally haven't read it but feel justified in critisising it, as im close to people who have and i rate them as not morons, the people that I know who have enjoyed it I also know ARE morons.
Anyway, rather than reading a book that is essentially twilight with fewer vampires and some 'naughty' language inserted why dont you give this one a go.
Originally published in the late 70's, the whole story takes place in the mind of a humorless comedian.  He spends all his time imagining the ins and outs of the life of his former lover, all the while a vicious riot is taking place.  Its an absurd, stalkerish kind of unabsurdity, and, i may have just invented several words to describe this beaut.  50 shades for those among you who have a dose of intellect between you.

Oooooo there we are then, what a lovely relaxed return after a month of excessive dancing, cider and much cake and revelry. Congrats to everyone for returning, you made a good decision.
Here some things for your eyes to process into small electric charges and pass onto your grey matter resulting in the release of 'feelings' for your smiley faces :)
Blog off :)

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